Art/Exhibition History: founded 2017

2017- Los Angeles CA , Miami FL , Mexico city MX , Stockholm SE 

2018- London UK , Hong Kong, Stockholm, SE Miami FL 

2019- New York NY , Hong Kong, Miami FL, Los Angeles CA , Miami FL 

2020- *Paris Photo NYC postponed & Paris Photo Paris Postponed 

2021-  Paris Photo  FR Online, Phillips Photo Auction online 

2022- Aspen CO, Phillips Photo Auction London UK

2023- New York NY , San Francisco CA , New York NY,  Columbus GA



February  Mexico city MX- Zona Maco Foto - Group show 

Joshua Tree CA- High Desert Art Fair - Group show 

April New York NY- The Photography Show by AIPAD- Group show 

November Paris- Paris Photo - Solo show Aapo Huhta 



The Photography Show by AIPAD  NY - April- Solo show- Vincent Fournier 

Photo Basel- Basel Switzerland -June 


